Northeast & Central Brasil

Chapada Diamantina National Park
National Park of Chapada Diamantina is an oasis of waters in the middle of the drylands, the desert area of Brazil known as Caatinga. Its tabletop mountain area full of canyons, crystal clear water lakes, waterfalls, and caves makes it a unique destination for nature lovers. Charming colonial towns are the base for walking a trek around the national park area.
The Chapada Highlights include Lapa Doce, a light trek inside the cave with a nice formation of stalactites and stalagmites; Pratinha Cave with its lake o crystal clear water; Mucugezinho River with Poço do Diabo, a huge lake with black water; ending with trekking up the Pai Inacio Hill 500mts high to see the superb view of the canyons and the sunset Night at leisure.
Safari in Jalapão
In the heart of Brazil, a wilderness area of savannah, crossed by clear crystal rivers, with eroding flat-topped mountain ranges and deserts of sand, this is Jalapao. The State Park feels so remote that even the wildlife seems to have left, but not the truth. Cerrado is an endemic ecosystem very rich in biodiversity, where Macaws do proliferate, with maned wolves, foxes, armadillos, and anteaters also possible sightings.
One of the highlights of a visit to Jalapão is the "fervedouros", a beautiful watering role that has the distinction of making it impossible to sink in the water, as the bubbling sand helps you to stay afloat. Then completing the paradise caves, canyons, crystal clear lakes, and lots of waterfalls. The safari is an exotic fauna, endemic and unique like hundreds of rare birds, and the rainforest around the rivers is home to giant otters, caiman, turtles, and the jaguar.

Sertao Drylands & Caatinga - Serra da Capivara
Besides being one of the greatest research centers, that tracks the history of the American Man, the National Park of Serra da Capivara, is located in-between two endemic and unique Brazilian ecosystems - the Cerrado and the Caatinga - the strong aridity of this region and its exotic species, makes the "Sertoes" a place that worth visiting.
The thousands of rock paintings with very good quality, in the region helped to study the human currents in America and the creation of a fantastic museum – The Museum of American Men.